Part 2, Day 9, Eminence to Marshfield MO

107 miles, 8:17 riding time, about 13 hours clock time, 12.95 mph average, 40.8 mph max speeed, 5945 ft ascent
The Arrowhead  was not a particularly nice campground.  It was crowded and there was only one washroom and a separate coin-op shower hut with no sinks or toilets.  One nice thing, it was right on a bend in the river.  Duane and I went for a swim before going to dinner last night.  This section of the river is popular for floating (beer drinking).
The day started with a steep climb right out ot the campground, followed by a descent back down to the river!  The river is windy and the valley is narrow, so we had to ride up and over the ridge between the two sides of the bend in the river.  If we had a raft we could have paddled around and avoided that climb.  Once we crossed the river we had another long, steep climb up into the “high country”.  What a way to start the day! 
We stopped at a small cafe for breakfast and I had the best western omelette I have ever had!  The ride after breakfast was GREAT. A newly surfaced road under overcast sky with temperatures in the 70’s and a tailwind. 

My average for the ride to breakfast was about 10 mph, but in the high country with the tailwind I was averaging over 15 mph, which is a lot for a loaded touring bike because the panniers create a lot of air drag.  Finished the 107 miles at almost 13 mph.  It is not hard to figure out what the ride profile will look like; everywhere there is a stream, there will be a descent followed by an ascent.  When you see this sign, you know what is coming.

I have not talked about the people we have met along our journey.  Everywhere we stop people are friendly and want to know 3 things; where we are from, where we started, and where we are going.  When we answer Astoria OR to the latter we get one of two responses, a jaw-drop or a shake of the head, which correspond to thinking we are awesome, or crazy :).  You will note that there is a big difference between clock time and riding times I have been posting.  This is partly due to lots of conversations, and the need to eat often, re-hydrate, and cool down.  

In an earlier post I told you about tractors and pickups.  

On the way into Marshfield I saw this.

Not sure the sign was necessary :)


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