Part 2, Day 4, Sebree KY to Golconda IL

79.9 miles, 6:13 riding time, about 12 hrs clock time, 12.8 mph average, 3865 ft ascent

We left Sebree at about 0615 this morning.  Out goal was 0600, so not too bad.  We rode the 20 miles to Clay KY before breakfast in order to take advantage of the cooler temperature.  The terrain was generally gently rolling.

On the way to Clay I came across this sign.  IQ discrimination, smart people are allowed?  Would a “stupid” person know they were stupid?

The ride to the Ohio river got gradually flatter with gentle grades.  You may wonder what cows do on a hot summer day, why of course, they go to the pool for a dip.  

When we got to the ferry that would take us across the Ohio River into Illinois I saw the effect of the very wet spring that KY has had.  Lot’s of acres with no crops.

We crossed the river into the town of Cave-in-Rock IL where I was lots of painted bicycles around the town.  I was not able to find a local to get the story.  We stopped there for lunch and a long siesta while trying to avoid being on the road during the hottest part of the day.(hence the 12 hours clock time it took start to finish)

On the way out of town there was a short but very steep hill; as steep as the one I mentioned in a previous post.  On the way up the hill, pedaling hard in my lowest gear, and chain snapped!  Luckily I brought a chain tool with me and was able to fix it.  

I saw this at a Bicyclist rest stop near where I broke my chain.  

Our goal was to reach Eddysville IL, which would have been a 90+mile day, we decided we had enough and checked on accommodations in the nearby town of Golconda IL. I found a place that was reasonably priced and made a reservation on my credit card.  About 30 minutes later we arrived in town at the address given and there was no hotel.  It was a scam to get my credit card info.  In the 30 minutes it took me to ride to town, the scammer had already made 6 charges to my card.  Now my card has been cancelled and I no longer have a credit card for this trip.  I have my debit card, so it might be ATM’s and cash only from now on.  We stopped by the courthouse in town to ask a group of folks for suggestions on where to stay.  One of the group, Connie, offered to let us stay in her fathers house, who had recently moved to a rest home.  At dinner the waitress, Hillary, got me in contact with the local sheriff so that I could report the scam.  The people in town have been very nice and welcoming.


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