Part 2, Day 8, Farmington to Emminence MO

88 miles, 6:58 riding time, 12.6 mph average, max speed 43.4 mph, 4971 feet of ascent 

Got an early start today, rolling out of Als Bike Hostel at 0600.  The temperature was a cool 64, which was below the dew point, so I got wet just riding through the air.    On the way out of Farmington I came across this intersection. Someone in the roads Dept does not know their left from their right!

That could get real interesting when some good ol boy has had a few. 
I seems that everyone in farm country has a pickup and a tractor, or several. Generations of retired tractors are often seen rusting by the old barn. This person clearly takes pride in his old tractors. 

There is an ongoing debate among TransAm cyclists about which is worse, the Ozarks or the Appalachia’s. It may be too soon to say, but so far the Appalachia’s are worse.  Today I have been riding grades that are mostly 5% or less. It is not hard to gear down and just spin up those, even when they are long.  Grades above 10% are difficult, and above 15% are downright crazy. There are a lot above 10% in Virginia and Kentucky. 
Well, I sole too soon!  The first 58 miles were just a prelude to the Ozarks. Once we left Ellington we encountered several hills with short grades of 14%.   We went up over ridges and down to river valleys. 

The climb out of this river valley ascended  620 ft with grades of 5 to 9% . That was long but not too bad, however, doing it in direct sun with 92F temperature made it more challenging. I lost count of how many of water bottles I drank was a lot!  I really had to plan water consumption because you don’t want to carry water up over hills that you don’t need, and you don’t want to run out. I also had to plan my Gatorade intake to avoid cramping and electrolyte replacement. I swear so much it is ridiculous!  I am soaked soon into a days ride. I have been wearing a head sweats to keep sweat out of my eyes and large terry wrist bands to keep sweat that runs down my arms from soaking my gloves (see photo above). Today nothing was working. 

Duane and I are staying at the Arrow campground in Emminence MO. We went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and it is the first time I have ever cleaned my plate and was still hungry!  


  1. Enjoy the'll love Kansas after those little hills :-)


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