Part 2, Day 10, Marshfield to Golden City MO
82 miles, 6:10 riding time, 13.2 mph average, 3809 ft ascent

After about 65 miles I was running short of water. There weren’t any towns for miles, so I rode up to a house and asked for water. The guy was very nice and gladly obliged giving me two bottles of COLD water. This is the second time I have had to go to a nearby house to ask for water. I always check for dogs first. Both times the people have been very friendly. The guy also told me I would soon enter into “plowed field” country, and he was right.
No more stream crossings with steep ascents on the other side. The landscape has transformed into what I imagine KS will be like, only flatter. Tonight we are camping in a picnic shelter in the Golden City park. There are bathrooms and showers, so we have all the necessities.
Duane and i stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Marshfield last night. We were concerned about the forecast of rain overnight so we didn’t want to camp out, and sure enough, we awoke to rain. We decided to sleep in (0545), enjoy the hotel continental breakfast, and get a leisurely start. I was apprehensive about starting the day in rain, but also didn’t want to hang around the hotel all day. I brought a rain jacket, helmet cover and shoe covers and have hauled them up and down numerous mountains, so by golly, I better use them, which I did. I rolled out at about 0930 in the rain, which takes some getting used to. I don’t have photos for the first part of the day due to the rain. Hurricane Barrry gave us another day of tailwinds, so I made good time (13.3 mph avg) over rolling terrain. But, the Ozarks were not done with us yet. About 30 miles into the ride I entered into a section of about 25 miles with numerous stream crossings...and I explained in my last post what that means..a steep descent followed by a steep ascent. On one stream I saw what was left of a mill.
More on my continuing theme of pickups and tractors.
After about 65 miles I was running short of water. There weren’t any towns for miles, so I rode up to a house and asked for water. The guy was very nice and gladly obliged giving me two bottles of COLD water. This is the second time I have had to go to a nearby house to ask for water. I always check for dogs first. Both times the people have been very friendly. The guy also told me I would soon enter into “plowed field” country, and he was right.
No more stream crossings with steep ascents on the other side. The landscape has transformed into what I imagine KS will be like, only flatter. Tonight we are camping in a picnic shelter in the Golden City park. There are bathrooms and showers, so we have all the necessities.
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