Part 1 summary: 12 days, 760 miles, 42,157 ft ascent (that is almost 8 miles!!) Overall average 63.3 miles/day

Lodging:  Stayed in 2 public parks, 2 hotels, 1 BnB, 1 hostel, 1 cabin, 2 churches, 1 pavilion behind a church, and 1 firehouse
Equipment:  One broken spoke, no flat tires, gearing of 22-26 was not low enough for the steepest grades…had to do the weave up one particularly steep grade.  Rim brakes/pads were not enough to control speed on steep descents without significant hand cramping.
Highlights:  Meeting two great guys and sharing Part 1 with them...priceless!  NOTE: Both Steve H. and Rob went all the way to Astoria OR.


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