Part 1: Day 11, 5 June 2018 –Hindman KY to Booneville KY, 68 mi, 4723 ft ascent, 10.2% max grade, 11.4 mph avg.

We got an early start and put some miles behind us before stopping at the Circle T for breakfast.  We were joined by fellow TransAm cyclist Brian, who is also a professor.  Those in academia are fortunate to have the time in the summer to pursue a journey like this.  More hills and steep grades today, and more loose dogs.  There are 3 kinds of dogs in KY, the ones that run out just because they are curious, the ones that chase you for the sport of it, and then there are the mean-ass Hienz-57 junkyard dogs that want a piece of you.  After one long climb I ran across one of the latter at the top of the hill.  Steve H. was just in front of me and there was no out-running this monster.  I quickly grabbed my pepper spray, which I kept hooked to that outside of my handlebar bag.  He came at Steve H., growling with his ears pinned back and a snarl full of teeth and fury.  I am sure Steve’s heart was racing as the adrenaline kicked in, but the monster backed off and let him pass…then it was my turn.  I yelled at the monster, pepper spray in hand and it held back, apparently deciding that we were not worth eating.  As I passed by the monster changed its mind and came after me in full snarl mode.  I had cleared the top of the hill and was able to accelerate enough to keep my right ankle clear of its teeth.  My panniers are bright red, and just like a bull to a matadors cape, the monster grabbed my right rear pannier with its teeth and tried to hold on.  Luckily for me Ortlieb panniers have a slick, tough nylon fabric that it could not hold on to and I made my escape.  I should have pepper sprayed the sucker after it let Steve H. pass.


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