Part 1: Day 3, 28 May 2018 –Mineral VA to Charlottesville VA, 52 mi, 2480 ft ascent, 7% max grade, 12.1 mph avg.

Got an early start again today.  The ride into C’ville was harrowing.  The section of road that passes Montecello has too many impatient drivers on it!  I was glad to reach the big downhill and get off that road.  My companions, Rob and Steve H., and I stayed at a hostel run by two former hippies, Raven and Flame.  I was impressed at their extreme efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle.  If everyone followed their lead, the landfills would have a lot less stuff going into them..

Rob and I took the panniers off our bikes and rode to the University of Virginia (UVa), which was a few miles from the hostel.  I did my undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at UVa from 1975 – 1979.  I showed Rob the Rotunda, the Lawn, and the Range.  Here I am enjoying lunch on “The Lawn”

We then rode through the new part of the campus.  Later he and I returned to the hostel, got cleaned up and walked to a restaurant/brew pub that was not too far from the hostel and had a great meal.  Steve H. was not feeling well so he did not join us. 


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