Part 1: Day 5, 30 May 2018 –Love VA to Buchanan VA, 63 mi, 3773 ft ascent, 7.9% max grade, 11.7 mph avg.
Last night an animal (which we later learned was a bear) banged on the front door of our cabin and really startled Steve H, who was sleeping in the Living Room. The irony was that Steve H had left his bear spray on his bike, which was parked on the front porch. Unfortunately Steve H’s stomach distress finally got the best of him and he decided to take a rest day at the cabin. It was hard leaving him behind, but better that he get well before continuing. As we left the cabin it was foggy and drizzling. There wasn’t much visibility on the way down the BRP. At times there would be a partial clearing in the clouds, but most of the time I couldn’t see very far at all . The route follows the BRP for awhile, and then turns west and drops precipitously down off the ridge to the valley below. The road was wet so my rim brakes did not work very well. I had to ride the brakes continuously. My hands got so tired I had to stop a couple tim...